Frequently Asked Questions

Got a burning question? Hopefully you'll find the answer here! If not, just reach out to us and we're happy to answer any questions you might have about registration, our teams, the soccer season, and more!

Registration FAQs

If your child has played for any Member Association of North Texas Soccer, please use their existing GotSport account. Do not create a new account. You can login to and click Forgot Password to retrieve your password associated with the email on the account.

Team Formation FAQs

It happens from time to time. We encourage players, parents, and coaches to work out any issues together.

Practices & Games FAQs

Our coaches are all volunteers and set the schedule for practices. If you have schedule limitations, we encourage you to step up as a head coach for your child's team so you can choose practices days, times, and location.

Coach & Referee FAQs

We are always in need of coaches. Even if you have never played soccer before, coaching soccer is easy. All that is required is a wiliness to be involved with children. Please contact your age group commissioner under the Contacts tab if you're interested in volunteering. We are always looking for head coaches, assistant coaches, and team managers. The only requirement is that you complete a background check and SafeSport training.